
“What make Jo stand out are her clear commitment to high standards of art, her generosity in sharing her skills and her deep connection with the processes of creativity.”
Cariad Astles, BA (Hons) Puppetry course leader, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

“Joanna has a calm and friendly approach when working with children and any other adults, she communicates clearly and the children loved any opportunity there was to work with and alongside her. Above all Joanna instilled a great sense of pride in the children for their work towards producing two outstanding puppets.”
Bea Gill, Literacy co-ordinator and Lead Teacher of Yrs 3 and 4, Dartington Primary School, Devon

“It was a pleasure to work with you on our Apple Day and recent May in a Day! all age, family-oriented, multi-arts events here at Cecil Sharp House. I was impressed with your creativity and high standards of execution in your work. Your approach to planning and delivering the ‘mini
hobby horse’ workshop was calm, well organised and well prepared; delivered with clarity and warmth.”

Rachel Elliot, Education Director, English Folk, Dance and Song Society, Primrose Hill, London

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